
KVRDC21: Eplex7 DSP Analog Filter + Analog Distortion - Free Plugin for Windows VST

4th July 2021

With the KVR Developer Challenge 2021 at the download and voting stage it's time to focus on each of the 37 entries that are available now, for free, for everyone.

Eplex7 Analog Filter + Analog Distortion by Eplex7 DSP
Windows VST

Eplex7 Analog filter + Analog Distortion is a free VST plugin for Windows.

If you are searching for real warm liquid analog filter and fat sounding analog type distortion, search no more... It is here and it is free.

Eplex7 Analog filter + Analog Distortion can be used for light analog coloration, to add color and warmth to your tracks, but also for heavy distortions and signal destruction. Can be used with synths, drums, guitars, in mix, etc.

It includes 2x over-sampled analog modeled liquid filter and analog type distortion.

Top features:

  • Analog type distortion, from light warmth and saturation to heavy distortion.
  • 2x over-sampled for smoother sound and reduction of digital aliasing.
  • Analog modeled liquid filter and analog type distortion.
  • SSE / SSE2 processing for reduced CPU consumption without any loss of sound quality (both l+r channels are processed at the same time as one processor instruction while it consumes CPU only as one channel).
  • Input knob 0-3X.
  • Output knob 0-2X.
  • Bypass knob.
  • Preset manager with 9 example presets.

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KVR Audio, Inc.