
Glitchedtones & Hidden Sound release Whale Bone Percussion for Kontakt

19th August 2021

Glitchedtones and Hidden Sound have released Whale Bone Percussion for Kontakt, saying:

We played a Whale vertebrae found washed up on a remote beach in Iceland with drum sticks and mallets, sampled it using high quality contact microphones and loaded the recordings into Kontakt to bring you this truly unique percussion collection which will inspire your rhythm tracks whether you work in electronic music, film scoring or game audio.

Featuring 4 main kits of raw, unprocessed hits and 6 custom kits showing off what is possible with some processing, Whale Bone Percussion enables the building of full rhythm tracks or the creation of background enhancements for your existing beats with ease, no matter what genre you are working in.


Price: £14.00.

Requires the full version of Kontakt 6.5.3 and above. It does not run in the free Kontakt Player.

KVR Audio, Inc.