
Nembrini Audio releases BG Extasy Boutique Guitar Amplifier - with Intro Offer

1st September 2021

Nembrini Audio has released BG Extasy Guitar Amplifier. Here's what they say:

Classy, Versatile and Ecstatic, breathing like high gain boutique amps with infinite options... the BG Extasy Boutique Guitar Amplifier.

Nembrini Audio has carefully reproduced the incredible tone and versatility of this famous boutique guitar amplifier which is hailed as a modern classic and widely regarded as one of the most desirable guitar amps on the market today.

The BG Extasy Boutique Guitar Amplifier plugin has 3 distinctly voiced channels morphing past, present and future tones and a much sought after range of switching possibilities. The new plugin has all the detail of the amp plus it extends the possibilities of the original hardware thanks to the versatility of the digital world with new powerful features for the maximum control of tone.


Intro Price: $39 until September 19th, 2021 (Reg. $137).



KVR Audio, Inc.