
SparkPackers releases Crazy Electric - Custom wavetables for Serum & other wavetable synths

2nd September 2021

SparkPackers has released Crazy Electric, a wavetable pack for Serum that can also be used with other wavetable synths like Pigments, Vital or Phase Plant.

The pack comes with 85 custom-built wavetables that can be utilized to make your own presets.

Michael from SparkPackers says:

My mission with SparkPackers is to make sound design as fun and easy as possible. The wavetable packs are a great tool to start your journey into sound design.

Flip through our wavetable library, try out your own wavetable combination and you instantly get a new, unique sound.... fast and easy. Take it a step further and play around with the scan-through modulators. This will immediately change the sound.

I believe that you don't have to be a lab-coat wearing sound designer to find your sound.

YouTube Video


Price: $12.

KVR Audio, Inc.