
Techivation releases T-De-Esser Plus - Free De-Esser Plug-in

10th September 2021

Techivation has announced the release of T-De-Esser Plus, a new version of their first release T-De-Esser, a simplified and easy-to-use De-Esser plugin for Windows and macOS that smooths out high frequencies while trying to maintain a natural and musical sound. This new version (T-De-Esser Plus) has the same functionality as the original T-De-Esser with a new extra feature 'Delta-listening'.

The new interface also displays the premium features of their next release T-De-Esser Pro. These features will be available in a paid upgrade to T-De-Esser Pro.

You can use T-De-Esser Plus to:


Available as:

Price: Free.

KVR Audio, Inc.