
Fanan team releases Gala Duo - Hybrid Multi-Instrument Ensemble for Windows

18th September 2021

Fanan team has released Gala Duo, a hybrid multi-instrument ensemble for Windows. They say:

Gala Duo is a hybrid dual channel version of Gala that combines both subtractive and physical modeling synthesis. Like Gala XL, it uses 28 modeled instruments oscillator while the second oscillator uses 5 traditional wave-tables.

Gala Duo is based on a virtual analog oscillators that work in an open mixer format and mixes 2 independent wave-forms and generates 28 instruments ensemble emulation with its first oscillator while the second keeps sounding traditionally digital.

Gala Duo's modeled instruments:

Gala Duo has a full synthesis section, 2 different MIDI velocity options, a user friendly global hipass-lopass filter, a full section of built in effects (saturation, chorus, phaser, tremolo, reverb and delay), built-in draw-bars system per oscillator, an advanced mono mode, full MIDI map, stereo and gleam effect and a resizable and customizable GUI. Gala Duo has also a keyboard split feature, just like Gala XL which allows splitting the hardware keyboard into 2 zones and routing each of the 2 oscillators to any zone.

Price: $8.

KVR Audio, Inc.