
audiolatry releases Electric Piano - Free virtual instrument plugin

11th October 2021

audiolatry Electric Pianoaudiolatry has announced the release of Electric Piano, a new free virtual piano instrument plugin (ROMpler) based on two sampled electric pianos. They say:

The plugin has two selectable presets (instruments) with two velocity layers each. The samples were recorded in 24-bit 48kHz WAV.

As for the interface, it may already be familiar to those who downloaded our previous plugins, except that this time we added a display from where you can select the two presets. Another difference you'll notice is the keys click knob is now replaced with the pan.

From left to right there's the attack/release section, a tremolo module with selectable speed, intensity and type, pan, lowpass/highpass filter with cutoff, reverb module, and global gain.


Price: Free/Pay-What-You-Want.


KVR Audio, Inc.