
UnitedPlugins discounts Expanse 3D (now 50% off)

12th October 2021

UnitedPlugins is discounting the newly updated Expanse 3D enhancer plug-in to €49 until the 24th of October, 2021 (The regular price is €99).

Expanse 3D achieves the 3D feel using a combination of analogue type saturation, spectral phase offsetting, re-synthesis, intricate delay networks and more. It can be used for mixing, mastering and sound design, it can help glue sounds together and create contrast and definition between sounds in a mix.

All of the UP's plugins recently gained an important feature that connects the plugins directly to your online account and will let you activate the plugins directly from your session.

A 15-days fully working trial version is available on the product page.

KVR Audio, Inc.