
Applied Acoustics Systems updates Multiphonics CV-1 modular synthesizer to v1.1

13th October 2021

Applied Acoustics Systems has released version 1.1 of its Multiphonics CV-1 modular synthesizer for macOS and Windows.

This new version enhances Multiphonics' module library with two brand-new modules: a versatile Low-Pass Gate, which borrows ideas from West Coast synthesis; and a Ladder Filter, an East Coast synthesis staple found in some of the most popular vintage subtractive synths. This update is complemented with 15 new patches featuring these two modules in a wide range of contexts.

Multiphonics CV-1 users get the version 1.1 update free of charge directly from the AAS website.

Multiphonics CV-1 sells at the suggested retail price of US$99. Multiphonics CV-1 runs on both macOS and Windows in 64-bit host sequencers that support the VST2, VST3, Audio Units, and AAX Native formats.

KVR Audio, Inc.