
HoRNet Plugins releases Valvola - Free Vacuum Tube Emulation Plug-in

22nd December 2021

HoRNet plugins has released Valvola, a free vacuum tube emulation plug-in for macOS and Windows in VST2, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in formats, saying:

The sound of the plugin is as close as you can get to the real tube behavior since the code it's the direct modeling of the circuit characteristics obtained directly simulating the tube and the biasing circuit around it.
The same technology is found inside our Guitar Kit plugin and Analog Stage plugin and we decided to give it away for free because we are proud of it.

Valvola comes with many different vacuum tube emulations, including triodes and pentodes, from the classic 12AX7 used in pre amplifiers to the EL84 power tube.

HoRNet Valvola is available for free on www.hornetplugins.com

KVR Audio, Inc.