
otiumFX releases Sonitex STX-1260

5th June 2006

OtiumFX has released Sonitex STX-1260, a VST effect plug-in for Windows that is dedicated to adding sonic texture to digital audio, and provides detailed emulation of vinyl records and vintage hardware samplers.

When sampling vinyl records on vintage hardware samplers you often get something more than the musical content itself. This "sonic texture" may be a subtle feel, or it may be something that actually plays a defining role to the sample. The key concept in Sonitex is to mimic the cumulative result of every process a piece of music goes through as well as the interaction of these before it ends up as a sample in a contemporary track.

Sonitex includes stages to emulate the mixing stage, overall distortion, vinyl pressing & playback, vinyl noise, frequency fidelity and finally the resolution & characteristics in digital sampling.

Sonitex STX-1260 costs $49 and is available as a VST plug-in for Windows. A trial version will be made available soon.

KVR Audio, Inc.