
AudioThing releases "Things - Crusher" - Bit Crusher and Filter Plugin

3rd May 2022

AudioThing has released Things - Crusher, a bit crusher and multimode filter plugin. They say:

Inspired by the effect section of another AudioThing instrument plugin, Noises, Crusher features a multimode filter (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch) with 2 or 4-pole and an output gain, along with a crisp bit crusher (bits, downsample, mix) paired with a harshness control taken from our plugin Reels.

Intro price: $9 until June 30, 2022 (Reg. $19).

Things - Crusher is also free with any purchase made in AudioThing's store during May 2022, or if you already own Noises.

YouTube Video

KVR Audio, Inc.