
Pulsar Audio release Massive

24th May 2022

Pulsar Audio has released Massive, a reproduction of the popular Manley Massive Passive EQ, which can be found in many a mastering studio the world over.

Pulsar Massive is a component-accurate model of the original unit, emulating its parallel EQ design and the unique sound-sculpting abilities. With parallel EQ, band gains don't accumulate as in most other EQs, but rather recombine to produce natural-sounding corrections. The Pultec-like low-shelf filters allow a generous and tight low end, even at extreme boost settings. The high-shelf filters provide a pristine top end and air without harshness.

Just ask any experienced engineer to hear a ringing endorsement of passive EQ and its uses. Pulsar Massive's sound can be described as giving a creamy top-end, well-balanced mids, and a punchy low-end. Whether you're using subtle or extreme settings, audio never sounds over-equalized, but rather vivid and natural, keeping true to the nature of your source material.

Pulsar Audio

Pulsar Massive sports a host of modern features including visual curve editing, drive control, mid-side processing, auto-gain, oversampling, switchable transformer options, detailed metering and spectrum analysis and a responsive and resizable GUI.

Massive is available now from Pulsar Audio on intro for €89.00 (€149.00) for a limited time period.


KVR Audio, Inc.