
Antares Auto-Tune best deals available now before July price increase

28th June 2022

Antares will be raising prices by up to 20% on all Auto-Tune perpetual licenses beginning on July 18th, 2022.

This is your opportunity to buy any Antares plug-in and save before the prices increase. If you purchase Auto-Tune Pro you'll get their lowest price on the upcoming new Auto-Tune Pro X*.

Alternatively, get protection from price increases and upgrade costs and subscribe to Auto-Tune Unlimited. Get every Auto-Tune plug-in, free automatic upgrades, free tutorials—and free access to their biggest release of the year, Auto-Tune Pro X.

*If you buy or upgrade to Auto-Tune Pro 9, you will be upgraded to Auto-Tune Pro X for free upon release.

KVR Audio, Inc.