
Solid State Logic releases X-Gate Plug-in

30th June 2022

Solid State Logic has announced the release of its latest plug-in: SSL X-Gate. The new plug-in is available now in several formats including VST2, VST3, AAX and AU as part of the ever-growing SSL Complete subscription from $14.99 per/m (Ts&Cs apply). X-Gate is the fourth new plug-in added to SSL's Complete Bundle in recent months.

Featuring a rolling waveform graph, mid/side processing options and tweakable hysteresis using independent open & closed thresholds, X-Gate builds upon the company's renowned knowledge of hardware gates, all delivered through SSL's advanced workflow interface. The new plug-in is suitable for music and content creators alike and delivers a unique range of features for extended sound sculpting — an invaluable tool for sound design, audio restoration and of course, mixing.

X-Gate continues to expand the SSL plug-in offering with a comprehensive but easy-to-use surgical gating tool for mixing, live and broadcast applications. Fast, snappy and precise, X-Gate is guaranteed to be your new workhorse plug-in for shaping drums and other instruments, adding punch to your mixes, and transparently fixing ghost notes, noise or room bleed.

Jonathan Sandman, Plug-ins Product Manager at SSL

In addition to M1 processor compatibility, X-Gate also introduces variable lookahead times and zero additional plug-in latency at the lowest setting, making it a perfect tool for tracking situations where mic bleed can distract from the primary source material. Meantime, its EXP and DUCK modes allow either transparent gating or ducking options; ducking is typically used for attenuating a signal when it exceeds a certain threshold, and this can be used in conjunction with a DAW's sidechain function for intelligent ducking.

Features of the new X-Gate include:

Intro Price: $89 until July 28th, 2022 (Reg. $129). It's also available as part of the ever-growing SSL Complete subscription from $14.99 per/m.

KVR Audio, Inc.