
RJ Studios releases "Pristine Peaks" - Ultra-low Distortion Peak Limiter

1st July 2022

RJ Studios has released Pristine Peaks, an Ultra-low Distortion Peak Limiter.

Pristine Peaks uses a unique approach to peak limiting that does not employ saturation or clipping in its gain reduction process. The result is extremely low THD and no aliasing for applications where "clean" limiting is most desirable.


*Steady-state measurements.

Pristine Peaks is a 64-bit plugin in VST, VST3 and AAX formats for Windows PC and VST, VST3, AAX and AU formats for Mac OS 10.11+ on Intel and Apple Silicon.

Price: $59.95. Free 14-day trial demos are available for download at RJ Studio's website.

Pristine Peaks is available for purchase at RJ Studios website and also the KVR Marketplace.

KVR Audio, Inc.