
Xhun Audio releases WindChant - Procedural Wind Simulation

29th October 2022

Xhun Audio has released WindChant, a procedural audio simulation of the fluid dynamics underlying the natural wind action. They say:

Naturally born for music, live events, film, TV and entertainment productions, WindChant is based on a complex set of stochastic engines: it does not use samples at all, sound and fluid dynamics are actually real-time generated.

The whole procedural audio engine can be manually controlled, or fully automated, or both: the goal of generating an immersive (including a Panorama control) realistic, organic, evolving natural wind soundscape is as easy as pressing a single note key.

Intro Price: 19.90 Euro / USD by joining the time-limited, 50% off special introductory offer. This offer is available from the online Xhun Audio Shop as well as from selected 3rd party Dealers (Reg. 39.00 Euro / USD).

WindChant is available as a VST, VST3, AU plugin for Windows and macOS (Intel CPU). Although running the software on M1 macOS (Apple CPU) is possible using Rosetta 2, Xhun Audio strongly recommends to download and try the demo version before buying.


KVR Audio, Inc.