
MeldaProduction plugins updated to v16.04

23rd February 2023

MeldaProduction has announced the release of v16.04 of all MeldaProduction plugins saying:

We are here with a brand new version of all our plugins. And because we offer Free-For-Life Updates, you may update your software right away. No matter if you have MCompleteBundle or just the MFreeFXBundle.

Version 16.04 brings various small improvements and fixes to plugins and MDownloader and improved multi-core processing for Apple silicon processors. But also individual plugins have been improved.

The update for MTurboAmp focused on bass players this time. MeldaProduction added "Capitalist bass fuzz" pedal and "Bass 1950" amp. MeldaProduction also added Dry/Wet controls to all stages. Download the trial version to check out.

MSoundFactory - the modular synth/sampler received filter visualization and analyzer for most filter modules in all three versions (Full, LE, Player). But MeldaProduction also updated its free sample library. MSoundFactoryEssentials has lots of new samples now in the following folders:

Presets using these samples have been added to GranularSampler and Sampler modules. To install the update, simply run the MDownloader.

To check the full list of improvements, see the changes list here. And to experience yourself, grab the new installer at the downloads page.

KVR Audio, Inc.