
Sonora Cinematic releases "Verticale Heartwarming Upright" for Kontakt Player

29th March 2023

Sonora Cinematic has announced the release of Verticale Heartwarming Upright on World Piano Day. Here's what they say:

Verticale is a beautiful, intimate upright meticulously recorded both natural and felted – with the latter using four layers of felt making it the only quadruple felt piano virtual instrument available today (to our knowledge).

The natural patch is pure and warm, the felt is rich and mellow, and, combined with the onboard features and effects, Verticale will take your music to new heights of cinematic emotion and lo-fi nostalgia.

In addition to the distinctive sound generated by the four layers of felt, Verticale includes a unique "Cassette" signal. This was created by passing the samples to cassette through an old 4-track cassette recorder set to record at high speed and then playing back the tape at minimum speed. The result is a pitch-shifted and warped sound: a great way to add a lo-fi patina to your music.

The Verticale interface offers many ways to experiment and manipulate your sound including three different mic positions offering complete control over the tonal character of the piano. Inspire new ideas by mixing the cassette signal and the microphones, with enchanting and emotive results.

Intro Price: £39 until 30th April, 2023 (Reg. £49).

KVR Audio, Inc.