
Cableguys update NoiseShaper with Pitch LFO, release native Apple Silicon AAX for HalfTime, Kickstart, ShaperBox

5th April 2023

Cableguys have released ShaperBox 3.3, HalfTime 1.1.7 and Kickstart 2.0.2.

All three plugins now feature native Apple Silicon AAX compatibility for Pro Tools 2023.3 and above.

Additionally, the Pitch parameter of ShaperBox's NoiseShaper effect now has its own LFO and Envelope Follower, allowing users to modulate the pitch of noise samples. Cableguys say this is useful for subtle pitch variations, modulated drum tones, wild FX, soaring risers, and more.

ShaperBox 3.3, HalfTime 1.1.7 and Kickstart 2.0.2 are free updates for all existing users. Log in to download at cableguys.com.

Free demo versions are available at cableguys.com.


KVR Audio, Inc.