
HoRNet releases Magnus Lite - Free Clipper & Limiter VST, AU & AAX Plugin for macOS and Windows

9th May 2023

HoRNet Plugins has announced the release of Magnus Lite, a powerful and versatile brickwall limiter and clipper plugin. The best part is, it is completely free of cost to all users.

Magnus Lite is the streamlined version of HoRNet's brickwall limiter plugin, Magnus. It comes equipped with a clipper and limiter functions. The gain control for the clipper and the limiter with a fixed threshold of -0.2dB, coupled with the release time control, allows users to create audio output with maximum loudness while retaining the clarity and integrity of their audio.

In addition to its comprehensive audio functions, Magnus Lite comes with an interface with both light and dark mode options.

The plugin supports both Windows (version 10 and above) and MacOS (version 10.13 and above) and is natively compatible with Apple Silicon.

HoRNet Magnus Lite can be downloaded for free from www.hornetplugins.com

KVR Audio, Inc.