
Audio Brewers releases 'ab Imager' - a VST, AU & AAX plugin for reshaping, resizing, and upscaling audio signals to 3rd Order Ambisonics

25th May 2023

Audio Brewers has released ab Imager, a plugin designed to manage the Dominance, Size, and even Upscale any signal to 3rd Order Ambisonics. Here's what they say:

'ab Imager' grants the ability to manipulate any signal to become wider, taller, longer, narrower, shorter, lower, larger, or smaller. It allows the shifting of the sonic weight of any signal towards any specified angle, maintaining its dimensional attributes within 3rd Order Ambisonics, irrespective of the source signal.

With 'ab Imager', Audio Brewers introduces their Upscaler engine, which converts any 1st or 2nd Order Ambisonics automatically to 3rd Order, thereby enhancing its clarity, definition, and spatial awareness.

An 'Express' version of 'ab Imager', without the Upscaler is also available.

'ab Imager' is compatible with any Mono, Stereo, 1st, 2nd or 3rd Order Ambisonics signals. It also supports Quadraphonic, 5.1, 7.1, 7.1.2, or 7.1.4 Signals, provided it's used in conjunction with 'ab Encoder'.

The Upscaler within 'ab Imager' was designed to work with small buffer sizes for Dolby Atmos projects.

For users interested only in Dominance and Size control, an 'Express' version of 'ab Imager' is also available, which excludes the Upscaling engine.

ab Imager is available at audiobrewers.com/plugins/p/ab-imager

Intro Price: 69,00 Euro through 26 June, 2023 (Reg. 89,00 Euro).

ab Imager Express is also available (Reg. 29,00 Euro).

KVR Audio, Inc.