
MusicDevelopments releases RapidComposer v5

16th October 2023

MusicDevelopments has announced the release of RapidComposer v5.

Version 5.0 introduces the "Rhythm Lab" rhythm generator, the "MIDI Transformer" which crafts related sequences from an input MIDI file, and the "DAW view" for a global composition perspective akin to a DAW. Additionally, it comes with VST/VST3 sound effects, ghost tracks, enhanced UI, and numerous other advancements.

Key Features Introduced in v5.0:

Additional Enhancements:

Upgrade Details:

All purchases made after April 1, 2023, qualify for a complimentary upgrade to v5.0. Customers prior to this date can avail the upgrade at a special rate of $39 for the Full Edition or $19 for the Light Edition through the end of this year. Commencing next year, the upgrade pricing will be adjusted to $49 for the Full Edition and $24 for the Light Edition.

KVR Audio, Inc.