
Korg releases KLC - Digital edition v1.2.1 (incl. Universal Binary)

5th October 2006

Korg has released version 1.2.1 of the KORG Legacy Collection - Digital Edition, which is now available as a free download for registered users. This version supports Intel-based Macs and includes Universal Binary versions of Wavestation, M1 and MDE-X.

Korg are also developing a Universal Binary version of KLC-1 (the original Legacy Collection) for Intel-based Macs. KLC-1 will require that the user has already purchased the RTAS dongle-based upgrade which will be available shortly for a nominal fee - the KLC-1 MacIntel update will be a free download, but it requires the RTAS version of the code to update, plus the dongle.

Korg also plan to prepare a code-only (license) version of the RTAS upgrade for the KLC-1 user who already has a compatible dongle; either the KORG USB key used by KLC-DE or other Syncrosoft dongles such as the Steinberg Key, IK Multimedia or Arturia versions.

KVR Audio, Inc.