
u-he updates Satin to v1.3.3 and Filterscape to v1.5.1

27th March 2024

u-he has updated for Satin to version 1.3.3 and Filterscape to version 1.5.1. The updates are free to existing owners.

Satin v1.3.3

AAX support is back. The new version includes native support for Apple Silicon and addresses several Pro Tools specific issues. For those of you already embracing a future-proof plug-in format, Satin version 1.3.3 also supports CLAP.

u-he also made significant improvements to how Satin behaves at higher sample rates. Processing at e.g. 96 kHz is now more effective and aligns sound-wise with 44.1 / 48 kHz projects. For older projects, version 1.3.3 introduces a legacy mode: For details please consult page 40 of the included user guide.

Filterscape v1.5.1


KVR Audio, Inc.