
Starplugs releases Quantum Limiter 5.1 Surround

2nd July 2007

Starplugs has released the Quantum Limiter 5.1 Surround, a limiter effect VST plug-in for Windows XP that offers total level-control for 5.1 surround tracks without obvious audible reduction. This tool leaves your mix untouched and guarantees a defined level with no distortion, no pumping, no ducking, no delay in the quantum range of up to 6 dB overload. Maximum limitation is set to more than 1000 dB. Quantum Limiter "increases" the virtual headroom avoiding signal overload.

The pd quantum algorithm makes all classical limiter settings unnecessary. This tool "listens" to your tracks and "predicts" what will come to create the best level.


Quantum Limiter Surround costs €39.99 and a demo version is available.

KVR Audio, Inc.