
NUSofting Fat Machine Windows VSTi released

10th January 2003

NUSofting have released Fat Machine, a new VSTi synth for Windows, and announced Trimmetry a stereo delay effect.

Fat machine allows you the creation of fat harmonic rich leads and basses, trancey arpeggios with a constantly evolving sound and other hi quality synth sounds, thanks to the alias-free technology of NUsofting.

"It is an easy to use, high quality virtual analogue synthesizer, with many powerful and unique features for its small size. Fat Machine possesses the capability to realise a remarkably aggressive or crystal clear sound, you decide!"

"Careful attention has been paid to choose its functions for the utmost musical quality, ensuring easy editing and high creativity. Fat Machine is a superb MIDI performance synth with mod wheel, aftertouch, pitchbend and several velocity mod destinations for its three flexible

Based on the previously released Astrolead synth which shared some of the sound shaping characteristics of the Astrobelt Pad Machine synthesizer, it has been revamped to include a thorough filter redesign, as well as improving and adding many other features.

Fat Machine can be purchased for $29/€29 and a demo version is available for download.


KVR Audio, Inc.