
MachineCodex Software releases MachineHead v0.80 beta

25th July 2007

MachineCodex Software has released public beta version 0.80 of MachineHead.

This release sees major Fx Chain functionality upgrades:

Numerous GUI refinements including:

Other changes

Visualizer & Media View toolbar split-button behaviour and icons have been changed such that:

  1. When the Visualizer & Media Views are both viewed split:
    1. both buttons' icons display a normal-up state.
    2. both buttons' actions expand their associated views.
  2. When either button's associated view is maximised:
    1. its icon displays a down state.
    2. its action is to contract its associated view (and thus expand its counterparts collapsed associated view).
  3. When either associated view is collapsed:
    1. its associated button icon displays a normal-up-inactive state.
    2. its associated button action is to expand the associated view.
  4. When the MachineHead window is collapsed vertically:
    1. both button icons are normal-up-inactive.
    2. both buttons' actions are to un-collapse the MachineHead window, and leave it in the same configuration it was before collapsed.
  5. The Visualizer View button no-longer changes to an Enter Fullscreen button when the Visualizer is maximised. It does however still act to exit Fullscreen when in Fullscreen mode, as its windowed function is not relevant within the Fullscreen context. Full screen mode can be entered by double-clicking on the Visualizer or Movie view.

Changes to ToolBar Inspector buttons behaviour:

This version includes fixes for a number of other bugs and inconsistencies:

KVR Audio, Inc.