
Sonic Reality launches 15 Rex Pak Group Buy at eSoundz.com

7th August 2007

Sonic Reality and eSoundz.com have announced a Summer Group Buy on 15 Rex Paks featuring collectively over 12,000 loops in pristine 24 bit audio quality. Designed to work with products like Stylus RMX, Reason, FL Studio, Tracktion 3, Dimension Pro, Kontakt, ProTools, Cubase and more, these fresh beats, instrument phrases, drum and percussion grooves are made to work in many styles of music from Hip Hop to Rock, Latin, R&B, Electronic, Pop, Soul, Blues, Country, Jazz and many others.

The way the group buy works is the more people join before the group buy's deadline of August 21st the lower the price gets. Previously these Rex Paks have sold for $79 each for a total of $1,185 for all 15 titles. Now through this group buy the maximum customer's who join would have to pay is $329 and the minimum amount, depending on the number of people that join, is as low as $229. That breaks down to getting $79 DVD loop collections for $15.25 each.

If over 100 people join by August 21st, a special bonus disc of over 250 additional Rex loops will also be included. The bonus disc will contain many previously unreleased Hip Hop, Rock, House and acoustic drum loops from famous drummers.

Users enter their credit card but are not charged until the end of the group buy. There is no penalty for cancellation if is made before August 21st, 2007. Each member that joins contributes to bringing the price down.

The eSoundz.com group buy is only for eSoundz members but anyone world-wide can sign up for free.

KVR Audio, Inc.