
Wusik releases Wusik Tool Over-Sampler

14th September 2007

Wusik Tool Over-Sampler lets you load a VST instrument and select 2 to 4 times over-sampling. So, if you are operating at 48khz, at 2x oversampling you get 96khz, potentially resulting in a much smoother sound, with no aliasing. An option to Bypass ALL Over-Sampler instances will also be added, for quick turning off while playing, and on while rendering.

Notes: Some VSTis may not load correctly, updates will be forthcoming. A few VSTis don't support sample-rates over 48/96khz and may simply crash. Its best to confirm that your VSTi will support higher sample-rates before oversampling.

Wusik Tool Over-Sampler costs $29.95 but is free to all users who subscribed to Wusik's membership / magazine prior to 13th September 2007.

A demo version is available, with the following limitations: you can't change anything on the loaded VST GUI and Song/Preset/Bank saving is not implemented.

KVR Audio, Inc.