
u-he releases More Feedback Machine v2.0

4th January 2008

u-he has announced the release of version 2.0 of More Feedback Machine for Windows and Mac OS X Universal Binary in VST and Audio Units formats.

More Feedback Machine offers ultra flexible delay effects ranging from bread & butter stuff to weird rhythmic deconstructions. The idea behind MFM is to give the musician as much control over 4 separate delay lines as possible, and having them interact, as well as having means to modulate delay parameters in realtime.

Delay x 4: As any cool delay, MFM can sync to host tempo. If you prefer milliseconds, they're here as well. If you look for something like a comb filter, you can tune MFM2's delays chromatically. 4 identical delay lines provide for 4 taps - each with panning, filter, output level and lots of feedback options. There are lots of options, yet the concept of MFM2 is quite simple, keeping it easy to use.

Feedback Control: The heart of MFM2 is the feedback matrix, found in the center of its editor window. There are several pre-defined matrices that cover most needs for almost any type of delay effect, including ping pong, multi-tap and feedback delay networks for reverb-type effects. A User Matrix lets one choose the amount of feedback from each delay line into each other - which was the standard in MFM1.

Naturally each delay line has a resonant multimode filter that by default sits in the feedback path, in order to create damping, rising or moving delays. But this filter can also be placed at other points in the signal flow, such as the input or the output, individually for each delay line.

In addition, delay lines 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 have a set of so-called Matrix Effects that add further means to mangle the delay feedback. These include saturation, bit-reduction, frequency shifting (sideband filter) and phasing effects for each of both pairs.

A big knob on the top of the window controls the overall feedback amount. But if it's too much feedback, there's a Panic button right next to it.

Modulation: There's nothing that can not be modulated. For example:

MFM2 costs $79. The update from MFM1 to MFM2 is free for registered users.

KVR Audio, Inc.