
Eiosis updates E²Deesser to v1.1

8th January 2008

Eiosis has updated E²Deesser to v1.1. This new version brings a variable lookahead delay which enables very smooth responses and processing transparency.

Lookahead delay: You can choose between zero delay latency, a short latency or a long latency. The lookahead value is adjusted according to the detection and latency parameters, while keeping fixed plugin latency for the host automatic delay compensation.

Perfect sibilant detection: The sibilants attacks can be then perfectly detected without using a low response parameter, i.e. fast attack and release behaviors. Thus you can obtain a very smooth and transparent de-essing process: even with extreme sibilant reduction, the voice always sounds natural, without any abruptness or "lisp" effect.

For live or tracking situations, the zero delay latency remains a very efficient and transparent option, when extreme sibilant reduction is not necessary.

KVR Audio, Inc.