
Nomad Factory announces Retrology Motown

18th January 2008

Nomad Factory has announced Retrology Motown, a collection of two plug-ins, Retro Film-Tone and Retro Music-Tone, designed to improve the quality of digital sound recordings. These plug-ins recreate the warm sound qualities of legendary analog hardware passive equalizers used by Motown engineers. The plug-ins provide a simple and functional "Vintage/Retro-Style" interface, as well as low CPU consumption.

Retro Music-Tone

Retro Music-Tone is a 7-band passive equalizer plug-in emulation of the hardware version used exclusively by Motown engineers. It provides a close emulation of the original units which introduces Proportional Q, a feature where small boost/cuts will have a broad Q and greater boost/cuts will have a narrower Q.


Retro Film-Tone

Retro Film-Tone is also a 7-band passive equalizer with fixed frequencies and Proportional Q emulation of the hardware version used exclusively by Motown engineers. It provides a close emulation of the original units which introduces Proportional Q, a feature where small boost/cuts will have a broad Q and greater boost/cuts will have a narrower Q.


Priced at $149, Retrology Motown is "coming soon" for Windows and Mac OS X in VST, AU and RTAS formats.

KVR Audio, Inc.