
Precisionsound releases P20 for HALion, Kontakt & SoundFont

10th March 2008

Precisionsound has announced the release of P20 in HALion, Kontakt and SoundFont formats.

In the -80ties the typical sound of a real acoustic piano and electric pianos was produced by the "Real thing" or the "Roland MKS-20", those where the days long before multi-sampled multi-velocity sound libraries. Starting in the mid -80ties and continuing to this day the MKS-20 has been "signature" and an important part of forming the sound of modern music production in many genres like rock, pop and the classic House/dance piano sound (Piano preset 3).

The MKS-20 by today's standards is not "authentic", like the TR-808 and TR-909 wasn't "authentic", still its own character is essential and a "must have" for all music producers.

The Roland MKS-20 was based on a technique called "structured adaptive synthesis", an early form of physical modelling.

The PS20 - Vintage Digital SampleSet has all the 8 presets sampled in full range from -A to C7 in up to 6 velocity layers and 4 samples in each velocity layer per octave. The complete library contains 1200 24-bit mono WAV files and 8 programs in Kontakt, HALion and SoundFont format (16bit). The SoundFont version is 100% compatible with Gigastudio, EXS24 and all virtual samplers supporting the SoundFont format on both MAC and PC.

The preset list:

All formats are included when you buy the library. The P20 costs $49 (+$11 if you want it on CD).

KVR Audio, Inc.