
xoxos releases Series and MiniSeries

11th March 2008

xoxos has released Series and MiniSeries, two VSTi MIDI sequencers for Windows inspired by serial composition techniques.

MiniSeries [Free]

MiniSeriesMiniSeries is a MIDI sequencer inspired by serial composition techniques. It is intended for rhythmic and experimental applications and geared towards live use.

Eight MIDI note assignments are indexed by a counter, which is modulated by three LFOs, two random step modulators and several performance-oriented GUI controls.

The multi-trigger element from Circuit VSTi creates rhythmic articulations and can be controlled from the GUI or by modulators.

Series VSTi expands on the architecture of MiniSeries.

Series [$20]

SeriesSeries is a MIDI sequencer inspired by serial composition techniques. It is intended for rhythmic and experimental applications and geared towards live use.

Two separate counters are assignable to three gate and three modulation sequences. The counters are modulated by three LFOs, four random step modulators and several performance-oriented GUI controls.

The architecture is flexible and adapts to many purposes. While not intended, it can be used as a powerful arpeggiator and presents an intuitive mapping of pitch cycling functions.

The multi-trigger element from Circuit VSTi creates rhythmic articulations and can be controlled from the GUI or by modulators.

KVR Audio, Inc.