
Real Sound Lab releases CONEQ P1 Equaliser (v0.16)

31st March 2008

Real Sound Lab has announced the release of P1 Equaliser, a DirectX-based plug-in for its corrective loudspeaker equalization system, CONEQ.

P1 allows anyone to run the CONEQ detailed loudspeaker correction equalizer on any host that supports DirectX, regardless of its type. CONEQ is a system based on Acoustic/Sound Power Frequency Response measurement of the loudspeakers. Thanks to the FIR filter used in the CONEQ equalizers, they reproduce response curves with extreme accuracy. The technology records a frequency response pattern so detailed that it enables you to correct the EQ curve of your loudspeakers by simply inverting the measurements.

In order to apply CONEQ loudspeaker correction (equalization), you need to run CONEQ Workshop software (demo available). The software measures the performance of your speakers and creates a corrective equalizer file. Once the file is uploaded to the P1 plug-in, Real Sound Lab claim that "your speakers or monitors will have such a high-fidelity frequency response that they might compete with reference studio monitors".

CONEQ helps to correct not only loudspeaker frequency response problems as such, but also loudspeaker performance deviations due to placement. CONEQ Workshop can also be used to simply show actual current performance of your speakers, e.g. for test-verification and benchmarking purposes.

CONEQ has been tested on a multitude of real speakers, ranging from very poor ones to high-end studio monitors and even line arrays. Whatever the situation, the system spots any weaknesses and corrects them - all without introducing unpleasant artifacts that plague over-equalized playback.

Priced at €159, the CONEQ P1 EQ plug-in is available now in the DirectX plug-in format for Windows with VST and RTAS versions expected to be released soon.

KVR Audio, Inc.