
Outsim releases SynthMaker v1.1

24th April 2008

Outsim has announced the release of version 1.1 of SynthMaker. This release focuses on reliability and contains more than 60 important bug fixes and enhancements. But it's not all bug fixes - some new components and modules are also included. Most notable is the iFFT. This is a triggered version of iFFT not stream but it allows for some interesting possibilities. It is used in the new Additive Oscillator module which allows you to draw waveforms in the frequency domain.

Outsim also added components for getting the MAC address and Hard Disk id of the host PC. These are much requested modules that will allow you to build simple copy protection systems into your creations should you wish to do that. Finally there is a new De-zipper primitive that works more efficiently and solves some of the problems in the old De-zipper module when used with MIDI CC.

New Components:

New Modules:

Additions and Fixes:

Updated Modules:

KVR Audio, Inc.