
Toontrack updates all six EZdrummer EZX:s

22nd May 2008

Toontrack has released free updates for all existing EZdrummer EZX:s with more MIDI files and the addition of copy protection on the DFH, Vintage Rock and Latin Percussion EZX:s. The updates also include new mixer presets by Richard Devine.

New mixer presets by Richard Devine
Richard Devine is an Atlanta-based electronic musician. He is recognized for producing a layered and heavily processed sound combining influences from old and modern electronic music. Apart from engineering and performing his own music worldwide Devine has also contributed sound design to a number of hardware and software manufacturers and scored commercials for Nike and Touchstone Pictures

EZX update overview

Latin Percussion EZX:


Vintage Rock - Brushes and Sticks EZX:

Claustrophobic EZX:

Twisted Kit EZX:

Nashville EZX:

KVR Audio, Inc.