
Ugo updates Disturbance and Metallurgy and unbundles Dualism and Tunguska

10th September 2008

Ugo has released updates for Disturbance (v1.1) and Metallurgy (v1.5.1) and unbundled Dualism and Tunguska so they are now available to purchase separately for $10 each.

Dualism and Tunguska
Previously only available in bundles, Dualism, a programmable dual arpeggiator, and Tunguska, a stereo multi-effect featuring morphable granulation and filtering, delay, distortion, and an envelope follower, are now both available for purchase on their own for $10 each. Dualism is also still included free with M-theory, and Tunguska is still included free with Ironhead.

Changes in Disturbance v1.1:

Changes in Metallurgy v1.5.1:

KVR Audio, Inc.