
EastWest launches PLAY "Buy One Get one Free" Worldwide Promotion

12th September 2008

EastWest is offering its users a unique opportunity to double the amount of the company's new PLAY-powered products in their audio toolkit at a greatly reduced rate.

Users visiting the EastWest web site - www.soundsonline.com or www.soundsonline-europe.com - from now until October 31, 2008 will be able to purchase one PLAY product and receive a collection of equal to or lesser value for free. The offer is also available at participating domestic and international retailers using a mail in rebate. There is no limit to the amount of virtual instruments that can be purchased where a user receives one free (except the free product cannot be the same as the purchased product), and users have the entire line of PLAY-powered products to choose from.

These include:

In order to be eligible for the free product(s), orders must be placed by October 31, 2008 and dealer rebate forms must be mailed no later than November 15, 2008 with an original receipt. The free product selected must have an equal or lesser price than the price the customer paid for the first product.

For more information, please visit the EastWest web sites at www.soundsonline.com or www.soundsonline-europe.com.

KVR Audio, Inc.