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ExperimentalScene updates DarkWave Studio and ES VST Plug-ins to v4.0.6


ExperimentalScene has updated DarkWave Studio and the ES AntiAlias, ES DGenR8, and ES SpatialVerb VST Plug-ins for Windows to version 4.0.6.

New in v4.0.6:

  • Recompiled DarkWave Studio to the updated Visual C++ 2010 Express Service Pack 1.
  • Ported VST plugins ES AntiAlias, ES DGenR8, and ES SpatialVerb to Visual C++ 2010 Express from NetBeans and MinGW/GCC.
  • Fixed a bug in ES AntiAlias which caused the GUI to incorrectly show 2x oversampling when it was set to a different amount after closing the GUI and opening it again.


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