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Mobius updated to v1.24

Circular Labs

Jeff Larson has released version 1.24 of Mobius.


  • New function: Bounce Recording: This allows you to capture the output of several tracks, mix them together, and copy the result into an empty track which can then be triggered and manipulated like any other loop.
  • The new Solo function behaves similar to a solo button on a mixing console.
  • The new Global Mute function mutes all tracks that are currently playing, but does not unmute any tracks that are currently muted.
  • MIDI control improved. You are now able to store the MIDI channel with a function or controller binding rather than requiring that function events all come in on the same channel. Further, there are now binding scopes for each track and group allowing you to make a MIDI binding to any function or control, and have that binding performed in only one track or group of tracks.
  • MIDI device selection improved. You may now select any number of input and output devices, and you may select one device to be used a "MIDI through". This allows Mobius to respond to commands sent by different devices that are not connected in a MIDI through chain, and send MIDI synchronization messages to more than one device. If a MIDI through device is selected, all events received from the MIDI input devices will be echoed immediately to the through device. See the MIDI Devices section for more.
  • A "technology preview" of the Pitch Shifting function is available for the curious. Note though that this is still in development and it has many problems. It is provided only to give you and idea for how pitch shifting will eventually work within Mobius.


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