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Steinberg announces "VST 2 coming to an end"


Steinberg has announced that "VST 2 coming to an end".

Here's what they say:

Late 2013 we announced that the Software Development Kit (SDK) for VST 2 would no longer be maintained and would only be available as subset of the VST 3 SDK. Five years down the line and this transitional phase is now also coming to an end.

From October 2018 onward we are closing down the second version of VST for good. While the VST 2 SDK has been unavailable, and so have maintenance and technical support, the subset within the VST 3 SDK will also be omitted.

VST 2 compatibility with Steinberg VST hosts will remain, however, we recommend to root for the latest version of VST. VST 2 was introduced in 1999 and since then the technology has evolved dramatically. Since 2008, the SDK for the third iteration of VST, VST 3, has been available and since then efforts are focused entirely on the further development of VST 3.

"We appreciate that developers and users alike gravitate strongly toward the VST 3 interface that comes with many technological advancements. By bidding farewell to VST 2, we hope to offer everyone a clear direction," comments Yvan Grabit, technology lead at Steinberg.



Discussion: Active
17 May 2018 at 9:32am

LOL Ableton still can't use VST3.

17 May 2018 at 8:03pm

Neither can Logic, ProTools, Reason and Garageband and others.

17 May 2018 at 9:56pm

It's entirely likely that Logic never will support any VST. Apple uses their own plugin format.

17 May 2018 at 9:42am

Great idea. Let's break something that works just fine. :-(.

18 May 2018 at 2:42am

they don't break anything, just stopped development, developers will be able to release vst2 plugins as they do now, but it won't get improvements any more.

17 May 2018 at 11:13am

Not a really nice move. For us, not for them, I mean. Instead of extinguishing it, they should just open source it, but then they would create a competitor to its own standard... a competitor that would win. There are several threads on KvR forum about it, and most of the developers agreed that there are no "many technological advancements" in VST3. That's why such a resistance against it. VST3 is mostly only useful for Steinberg programs and mostly the sidechain feature.

17 May 2018 at 9:47pm

exact, my FL9 never load VST3 ^^.

17 May 2018 at 1:04pm

...if I could sort my plugins the way I want I'm all for it.

For sure I'm old and stubborn.. but the by vendor / type and similar grouping just isn't for me.. I want to organize in folders the way I wan't it.. forcing anything else upon us doesn't make sense..

17 May 2018 at 3:48pm

Many VST 3 compatible DAWs have a plugin manager that allow you sort VST 3 according to multiple criteria.

17 May 2018 at 3:48pm

This has been possible in Cubase since version 8. Other DAWs could implement a similar solution.

17 May 2018 at 3:46pm

Reminds me of the end of Windows XP's support. Everybody knew for years when it would happen, but when it finally happened people were like "OMG WTF WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW I NEVER KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING!"

17 May 2018 at 6:36pm

VST3 is not that bad except that is doesn't even support the most basic MIDI spec(plugin side), so if you ever dreamed of a new MIDI plug-in, Steinberg just killed MIDI plug-ins. Two steps forward and three VST steps back.


17 May 2018 at 9:06pm

It doesnt matter. Devs can continue to create work arounds to any problems as they have been doing since VST2 was released. Its not going to stop working until your VST Host stops supporting it, which wont be for a long time. VST 64-bit has been around for years but most hosts still support it.

11 June 2018 at 7:03pm

Well ... speaking of technologies. Could someone warn Steinberg that the non-retina/hdpi screens are coming to an end.

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