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ThaLoops introduces Loop Kits - New Contextual Format for Music Loops


Sound design company ThaLoops.com has announced the launch of a new platform for music creators. The new platform features Loop Kit format, which provides music producers with access to royalty-free loops offered within a context of full beat production.

Loop Kit is a single beat theme with all separate loops provided in one package. Producers get access to their desired sound combination that has been used in the production of a beat theme.

"There are predominantly two ways of how music creators download sounds today. Either by spending time and collecting individual sounds with a subscription fee or affording a big package of hundreds of sounds right away. It felt like there needs to be an option in between." says ThaLoops.com owner and sound designer Richard Cherenkov. "I believe that by providing music creators with the Loop Kit format we do the heavy lifting and prepare all the necessary ingredients in context of what makes the particular beat the way it sounds. If I needed to compare, think of your favourite dish. To cook it, a chef would need the right ingredients and time. So in comparison to your favorite dish, Loop Kit is a combination of all the correct ingredients that music creator needs to make a certain type of beat."

ThaLoops.com includes Loop Kits both from previous loop-sets and with the new releases added daily. Browse through the catalog and sort Loop Kits by character, genre, key, tempo and artist influence. The intuitive interface makes it easy to find loops that match the production style of favorite artists.

Over the coming months, new Loop Kits will be added daily to be in sync with today's charting song trends.

Learn more about Loop Kits at www.thaloops.com/about-loop-kits



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