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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Free (AU / VST2) for non-commercial use / $99 Desktop / $9.99 iOS
OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer OB-Xd 4K Wallpaper Ilkka Rosma Default Theme OB-Xd Mobile (iPad/iOS)
OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer by discoDSP is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Mobile Audio App and a Software Application for macOS, Windows, Linux and iOS. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin, an AAX Plugin, a LV2 Plugin and a Standalone Application.
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30-Day: 16; 7-Day: 21; Yesterday: 34

OB-Xd is a classic synthesizer with a timeless sound that continues to captivate musicians and producers alike. With its rich, full-bodied tones and expansive sound design capabilities, the OB-Xd is the perfect choice for those looking to add a vintage touch to their music. Whether you're producing electronic tracks, recording live instruments, or composing for film and television, the OB-X is an invaluable tool that will bring a unique and expressive quality to your sound. So why wait? Add an OB-Xd to your studio today and take your music to the next level.

The OB-Xd is a synthesizer that has been designed to recreate the sound and behavior of the Oberheim OB-X. However, the original design of the OB-X was limited in some ways, so the OB-Xd includes a number of additional or altered features. One key feature of the OB-Xd is its implementation of micro random detuning, which helps to create a fuller, richer sound. Overall, the OB-Xd has been designed to produce a sound that is as good and as rich as the original OB-X.

{See video at top of page}


Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 4.83 from 6 reviews
OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Reviewed By jeff81 [all]
July 28th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.2 on Windows

Putain de synthé !! Excellent! Granulaire à souhait et en plus l'équipe qui a créée ce plugin est fantastique de réactivité et de compétences. Au moindre problème, ils répondent présents.

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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Reviewed By asaggese [all]
May 11th, 2023
Version reviewed: 2.3 on Mac

If you want a similar tool to what Van Halen, Rush, and a bunch of other 80s gems were played on, it's near impossible to beat this plugin. The sale price right now is insane. The full version comes with the aax plugin so you can use with pro tools. Comes with over 10 banks of lots and lots of presets. Very happy with it.

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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Reviewed By dalorin [all]
March 5th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1 on Linux

What's not to love? Perfect 80s synthesizer for all your synthwave needs and it supports Linux natively. As long as this company keeps making Linux products they keep getting my business.

I'm getting their Yamaha OP next.

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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Reviewed By The Chase [all]
May 5th, 2018
Version reviewed: 1.3 on Windows

A severely under-rated freebie.

I'm not going to say it sounds exactly like the Oberheims it is emulating, but the spacey, metallic shimmer is there. It's rare for a basic subtractive synth to be able to set itself apart and sound different from others while still being useful.

My go-to for retrofuturistic spacey pads, it has a classic sci-fi sound. It doesn't require much post-processing - just a touch of the clearest reverb you have and scoop out a bit of low-mids and you're there.

The only drawback that it has is the unison-detune being limited to monophony, which is a shame because the unison sounds remarkable in pads.

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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Reviewed By joelsampson [all]
May 13th, 2014
Version reviewed: 7 64-bit on Windows

Obxd sounds great, there are a ton of good patches and banks on KRV and the GUI is large enough to see and use. It's a very usable synth. I love the S&H. Thanks to the developer and all those that contributed patches.

I'm running Windows-7, 64-bit with REAPER 64-bit. I'll try it on the Mac soon.

joel in Dallas.

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Comments & Discussion for discoDSP OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer

Discussion: Active


19 May 2014 at 1:02pm

An important information which is desperately lacking in this page:

OBXD works also perfectly well on OS X

(click my link to be driven to the developer's page)

27 March 2018 at 2:22pm

What file do the presets go in for Linux using Ardour 5? When I drop down the preset it only gives me a long list of "default" I've strace-ed Ardour and can't figure out what file/dir OBxD is looking in for the presets. Frustrating.

27 March 2018 at 2:50pm

In your folder "Documents" you have a folder named "discoDSP" and a subfolder named "OB-Xd".

The skins and the presets are all there.

If you install OB-Xd manually you MUST know that in order to allow the plugin to access the skins and the presets where it is aimed at find them. It is the reason why it is way much preferable to use the installer instead than install manually, because the installer copy these folders and files at the right place so that when you right-click on an empty room of the GUI you can see a little menu opening to let you choose the presets and the skins without any troubles.

27 March 2018 at 10:45pm

You sir, are THE MAN. Thank you. My brain was hurting I was so frustrated. I didn't even notice the install.sh file until you pointed it out. Now, is the Skins file where the fxp files go and the Banks file where the fxb files go?

28 March 2018 at 12:04am

Yes. More precisely the folder "Skins" is the folder where you find the different skins (and also can create you own).

And the folder "Banks" is the folder where you will find the different banks (they have the extension FXB) and create your own (using your DAW) so that you will find them again in the menu. To create a bank, use the "Save as Bank" from your DAW (the command doesn't exist in OB-Xd itself). You don't need to add the extension ".fxb" because your DAW will add it itself. Save your bank in this folder named "Banks". Currently OB-Xd need to be refreshed to reflect the change made by the addition of the new bank. So, just reopen OB-Xd and to retrieve your new bank you can use the menu "Banks" embedded in OB-Xd.

The folder "Bank" is also the folder where you can save your own presets not included in a bank. To save a new preset, use the "Save as Program" from your DAW (the command doesn't exist in OB-Xd itself). You don't need to add the extension ".fxp" because your DAW will add it itself. Save your preset in this folder named "Banks". And again, currently OB-Xd need to be refreshed to reflect the change made by the addition of the new preset. So, just reopen OB-Xd and to retrieve your new preset you can use the menu "Banks" embedded in OB-Xd.

A personal tip to create my own banks of personal presets:

  1. OB-Xd being closed, I open a File Explorer in the folder "Banks".
  2. I duplicate the bank named "001 - Init Bank.fxb". To this new file I give the name "BlackWinny 001.fxb" (I increment the number each time I create a bank of course).
  3. Now I open my DAW and I open OB-Xd.
  4. I load my new bank named "BlackWinny 001.fxb" (or any other sequential number).
  5. In that bank, I load the original preset that I want to replace by a personal preset.
  6. I tweak the knobs to make a new patch.
  7. Using my DAW I rename the preset by a new name ("My first personal preset" for example).
  8. And I just resave the bank. That's all. That way I have made a new preset, I have named it... and the changes apply in the bank "BlackWinny 001.fxb" which was loaded at this moment.
  9. Making this procedure from 5 to 8 for new (or modified) patch after new (or modified) patch I create that way my personal bank(s) and I don't bother with any fxp presets.


1 April 2018 at 12:52am

BlackWInny, .

Would you have any idea why Ardour would Blacklist the Obdx64.so plugin ? I tried to install this on another computer, same OS (Al Linux 64-bit) and I can't get the Obxd64 plugin to load, it's being blacklisted.

1 April 2018 at 12:20pm

Hello Bob, .

Check your PMs. I just replied to you by a PM.

Cheers, .


21 August 2015 at 6:32am

HEy all, is there a patch or anything that would allow automation on ableton for this? cant find anything.

1 January 2020 at 9:33pm

Late response: I've been using automation with Obxd for several years in Live 9, since a year in Live 10.

1 January 2020 at 9:35pm

Late response: I've been using automation with Obxd for several years in Live 9, since a year in Live 10. As far as I can tell this was always possible, but maybe in 2015 it wasn't.

17 November 2015 at 7:29am

I'm setting up a new DAW computer (Win10) and i can't remember *where* to install the OBXD preset banks. Also can't remeber how to access the presets from the OBXD UI.

Sorry for silly noob questions, but haven't been able to find where i learned this info in the first place.


28 January 2016 at 9:00am

There is no 'set' place to install the presets.... just install them in a folder of your choice (I put them in a folder called 'OBXD Patches' that gets backed up nightly so they don't get lost), then after loading an instance of OBXD in your DAW, go to the VST2 drop-down menu and choose "Load Bank..." or "Load Patch...". Navigate to the folder where you installed the patch banks or patches, choose the bank you want, and it will load. The next time you go to the "Load Bank..." menu, it will default to the last folder you opened. Remember to Unzip/extract all your banks.

2 June 2016 at 12:48am

This software to be perfect just need an interface to access the FXB and FXP.



25 June 2016 at 3:41am

What's the use of the AU presets? How can be loaded?


6 September 2016 at 7:28pm

Are there any Styx fooling yourself or Sail away patches?

9 April 2017 at 8:36pm

I was only able to download the windows version via the linux download button. ...And so my battle with OBXd begins again! This time I've returned stronger, smarter, faster.

27 April 2017 at 8:58am

Is it only Mac version? Click on "Win" icon and downloading installer for Mac.

Ben [KVR]
Ben [KVR]
27 April 2017 at 9:10am

Links should be fixed now.

25 May 2017 at 3:29pm

Is there a 32-bit version for Mac?

Thank you.

23 July 2017 at 10:02am

I copied VST to my PLUGIN folder of Ableton. It works but the window of the plugin isn't the full view and there is no option to scroll to some features. Anyone can help with that?

24 August 2017 at 11:10am

Where is the source for the current release? Last update on github repo is from 2014, while the 1.4 binary release is from 2017.

Big Tick
Big Tick
3 September 2017 at 3:36pm

Yes I'd love to get the latest sources as well.

1 November 2017 at 5:14pm

According to the main OB-Xd thread on KVR, the latest (discoDSP) source can be found here: https://github.com/reales/OB-Xd

4 July 2018 at 5:25pm

I'm just curious, how does the OBxd compare to the OP-X Pro 2? Like in closeness in sound to the real thing, accuracy of emulation, sound quality, etc. That kind of thing. I'm asking because the Obxd seems like a fully packed VST, especially since it's free so I'm wondering about its worth compared to the OP-X Pro II.

4 July 2018 at 6:15pm

I have both. And I use both frequently.

OB-Xd is very nice to give "Oberheim-like" sounds for someone who doesn't want to pay an OP-X Pro II copy or can't afford to get it.

But I would d say that OP-X Pro II is much closer to the Oberheim oscillators and filters than OB-Xd is.

And it offers also much more possibilities with a much wider palette.

To someone who can't afford OP-X Pro II and wants sounds quite close, I'd say "Go to OB-Xd !" (or to OB-Xtreme which is very nice too). But to someone who can afford OP-X Pro II I'd say "Don't hesitate ! Take it ! It is much closer."

4 July 2018 at 7:56pm

Thanks so much! I will take note of it the next when I take another look at the OP-X Pro II.

3 August 2018 at 4:35am

How do I change the Skin in OS X? Somehow the voice panning controls on the default skin are mislabeled "Voice Variation"

20 August 2018 at 11:05pm

I'd like a 32-bit version, too...or maybe someone could tell us how to run a 64-bit plugin in a 32-bit DAW. That would be awesome! Anybody???


17 October 2018 at 9:08pm

Im not certain that version 1.4 is completely compatible on Mac OS 10.13.6 with Logic X V 10.4.2.

I tried to update to V1.4 of Obxd and it fails to load in Logic. Had to Time Machine back to my last backup. Anyone else experience this?

25 September 2019 at 8:07pm

Does anyone know if v1.4 is when the plugin stopped being free?

Looks like from v1.5, It now costs money over at https://www.discodsp.com/obxd/.

26 September 2019 at 1:28pm

It doesnt say that the download itself is a demo, maybe it is for donations?

26 September 2019 at 10:11pm

Pfff OB-Xd remains free, it's been said many times. The button "Buy" is in fact a button for a donation. Click the button "Download", choose your OS, and download your chosen installer, that's all. Then install it, and play. There is no limitation, in features as well as in duration. An open-source freeware application must remain free forever. And OB-Xd remains free. It has never been question (and it actually can't!) to change that, given that an application which is open-source freeware using GPL 2 MUST stay open-source freeware FOREVER. It's the law. And the updates of OB-Xd respect the law.

9 October 2019 at 7:21pm

Automation seems to not be working in FLSTUDIO. I mean no matter what i try.

9 October 2019 at 10:49pm

It is not OB-Xd itself, it is Juce which is faulty.



18 October 2019 at 1:49pm

I have an odd problem. {but that's another story}
I have installed two Linux versions of OB-Xd, one LV2 and one VST.
When I use them in Ardour they both play However ...
The LV2 plays BUT when I right click in GUI space only TWO options appear. Skins and Banks.
No Presets option appears. When I change Banks the sounds Do change but only to the first preset of each Bank
The VST version works properly. I run it inside Carla and all three options appear with right click as it should.
It would be nice to be able to just select the LV2 instead of having to wake up Carla to run the VST.

Any ideas ??

10 November 2019 at 9:03pm

Too bad this is no longer a freebie.

11 November 2019 at 1:17am

You are wrong ! It is still a freebie and it will remain forever a freebie ! OB-Xd has been developed and is distributed on license GPL. It means, within other things, that EVERY new project based on that project MUST be made with the same license GPL. One of the points in the license GPL is that a product (and all its derivatives) MUST be open-source, published with the wholeness of the source-code and released for free if the initial project is free (and it was the case, 2DAT published it on GPL and for free). There may be small optional, discretionary fees asked exclusively for the services related to the distribution, the cost of some services (the rental of servers, the annual cost of a domain, the rental of a repository) to the exclusion of any other fee or of any benefit.

So, any continuation or derivative of OB-Xd MUST be open-source, MUST be published with the wholeness of the sources, MUST be provided with a copy of the license GPL, and MUST be free and remain free forever, the initial project having been released on GPL and for free. A mentioned price must be shown exclusively as a suggestion of optional, discretionary donation.

There can't be any benefit on the activity around a product licensed on GPL.

OB-Xd is free and is downloaded for free on DiscoDSP's website. The button "Purchase" which is beside the button "Download" is simply wrongly labeled, it should be labeled "Donation". And there is no need to click it to get the download !! And once downloaded and installed the plugin is fully functional and forever as any other freeware.

For more information:

3 February 2020 at 5:33am

How are DiscoDSP now selling this for $49? I thought it had to remain free?Correct me if I'm miss understood.

is there any difference between the free and the $49 versions?


4 February 2020 at 2:53pm

please, if English isn't your first language then be open with this. It's perfectly clear!
Because some aren't cheap skates and like to support the development!
The Answer is yes! But if you're not a cheapskate you can spend some money.
The Answer is no! There are two versions, one is for iOS (paid). The payment for the computer version is optional as have already been stated clearly!!!!!!!!!

Do you understand now?

29 January 2020 at 2:56pm

Can we please have a preset selector added?


28 May 2020 at 5:23am

VST3 automation is still not working. I'm using Cubase.

4 July 2020 at 11:28pm

(Love the OB-Xd and had been using it for years - thanks to the devs!).

Upgraded laptop, Ableton and re-installed OB-Xd. Now, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to load an individual .fxp anymore... (the awesome Killing Joke fxp)... I know how to add fxb banks (just drop them in the banks folder) but not individual patches... and being on Mac I cannot use mini host. So:

1) is there a way to load individual patches (fxp files)?

if not:

2) how can I create a bank (fxb) on a Mac (Catalina)?

Thanks in advance for any pointer.

14 July 2020 at 5:43am

As you probably know, OB-Xd still relies on DAWs .fxp handling. In Ableton Live you can load individual .fxp files using the plugin window at the bottom of the screen. There are options to open and save .fxp and .fxb files.

14 July 2020 at 1:32am

I installed it. But I couldn't find the standalone.

14 July 2020 at 5:46am

I'm on Windows 8.1 x64. Standalone version is in the directory: C:\Program Files\discoDSP\. I can also press the "Windows" key on my keyboard. Then when I enter "OB" in the search field, this synth immediately shows up.

28 January 2021 at 12:16pm

I have sorted out and categorized hundreds of OBXD patches to my preferrings. Now I have some folders of patches (.fxp) in my computer. How can I quickly convert my patches to banks? Is there a good solution. What software you, bankmakers use, when you put together your paches? Struggling almost whole day here and can't find a solution.

18 April 2021 at 9:13am

Hi! Did you find any solution?

I am trying to convert the banks of hundreds of juicy patches from the old *. fxb to *.vstpreset format so they can be be detected in the steinberg mediabay and used in Cubase 9.5, Windows 10 x64.

Have been banging my head against the wall for 6 hours now.

Thanks to anybody that can help.



15 June 2021 at 6:40am

Great synth. What I miss most is a portable install with the data (preset banks, skins etc.) in the same directory as the VST. Portable VSTs I have used look in the VST directory for their data first, and if not there will then look in the Documents folder or wherever.

21 October 2021 at 9:23am

What does this $49 discoDSP version have that the original portable version doesn't? (For those who still think it's free - intent still matters, and discoDSP turned freeware into donationware due to greed.).

I'd say the original is better and uses less CPU. DiscoDSP broke the FXB patch format so new banks won't load in older versions - possibly intentionally.

21 October 2021 at 11:02am

I can't answer the question of what the paid versions have vs the free versions - I haven't used OB-Xd in a while, I'm sorry - but it COULD be that discoDSP asked for money for it because the developers gotta eat somehow.

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