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Fragment - MIDI OUT with Korg AG-10 (General MIDI)

Fragment is an online collaborative additive / spectral / granular / subtractive / PM / wavetable synthesizer and live-coding web. platform, the spectrum is created by a live GPU script, the generated visual is then converted to audio using synthesis algorithm or external synths, Fragment is basically a programmable noise-of-all-kinds software.

This is a video of a test session of the MIDI output feature which allow to control hardware synthesizer (and any MIDI devices) with the pixels data straight from the browser.

Fragment MIDI output has support for microtonal, polyphony, panning and user-defined MIDI messages from the RGBA pixels value (VDF modulation, release envelope, expression, aftertouch, effect depth are used in this video along with program change)

MIDI output will be available in the next update.

The Korg AG-10 is a cheap rompler (General MIDI instrument), it can't do alot but that is the only hardware synthesizer i have got, AG-10 background noise can be heard sometimes. :)

Setup goes as follow : Korg microKEY - Fragment - BCR2000 - AG-10 - Renoise - OUT.

The reverb heard is the AG-10 bundled reverb processor.

You can try the Fragment synthesizer now at : https://www.fsynth.com

Documentation: https://www.fsynth.com/documentation

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