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Hey KvR- this is Lightstruck here. Writing to see if there is anyone on the KvR boards who enjoys making or would like to collaborate on some metal riffs, beats or heavy fx. I am working on a self-titled EP for Lightstruck, talking with quite a few vocalists and would also be interested in working with someone on creating tracks, loops etc. to create some tracks with.

The instrumental track "Drain" that went up on late last week has done incredibly well considering it is just a short instrumental track. Gotten alot of great feedback from people on the track for when it is revamped for the EP. It is ranked #6 overall among all metal genres. And it is currently the #1 Alternative Metal song on

So listen to the track, leave any more feedback you might want to give, let me know if any of you are interested, and we will see what we can do.

Reverie Entertainment
RTS Game Development


No takers here? Come come, I know that KvR has got to have a couple good people who would be interested in a collab. Already have a couple vocalists lined up, looking for someone to work with on the tracks. Hit me back if you are interested.
Reverie Entertainment
RTS Game Development


You fail to mention what you are looking for... are you looking for a vocalist, a drummer, a guitarist, a violinist, someone to help mix, someone to master, someone to write lyrics?

Is it just similar kinds of music your going to write? Do you have a basic tune already layed down? I would be able to help with adding Acoustic, Electric or Bass Guitar, oooh... and also Djembi.... and I even have a tamborine!..

What do you plan to do with the EP?



I am looking for probably two people to collaborate with. Maybe three.
-I am looking for someone to work on the tracks with. (Including guitars, bass, fx, drums etc.)
-I am also looking for a vocalist. Preferably a metal singer but also someone who can sing traditionally as well. Maybe even a backup vocals to chip in as well.

The style is a kind of metal. But with alot of influences from other genres to attract a broader audience of listeners.

As far as the EP goes, I am looking to get some talented guys together to put it together and I have had quite a bit of experience dealing with agents, investors, lawyers and publishers so I am hoping to use that knowledge to get the EP bought and some CDs sold.
Reverie Entertainment
RTS Game Development


Hey Tribal,

I know how frustrating it can be try and find some to collaborate with...

Can you give me a better idea of how you envision the process working? Do you have finished somgs that you want people to work with? Someone to produce? Do you have parts floating around and need someone to "feed off"?? Lyrics?

Not sure of a possible fit, but my tastes and writing style is extremely eclectic (ranging from the Beatles to the Resident to Miles Davis to Bartok).

Something I am working on now is not exactly metal, but I suppose it is somewhat representative of my more "mainstream" style. I have no .mp3 of this yet, but if you have a fast connection feel free to take a listen:

I don't know how much timne I have to spare (I'm currently working on a progressive rock project) but I'm certainly willing to hear what you have in mind...

PM me with more details if you want...
"Time makes fools of us all. Our only comfort is that greater shall come after us." Eric Temple Bell


I will PM you- but I should answer your questions for the sake of anyone else reading who might be wondering the same thing.

I do have some completed tracks, even have lyrics- but thats not really how I want to collaborate. I would rather have one or both of the collaboraters create some basic beats, and then feed off each other on the beats. Adding guitars, fx, bass etc. To the track until we can come up with a satisfactory track.

Again, both parties could create their own tracks by themselves and edit them to fit or else be more traditional and build off each others work.
Reverie Entertainment
RTS Game Development


Thanks for the e-mails and IM, if you are interested- I am still looking.

Reverie Entertainment
RTS Game Development

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