Release: ST-R-I-P - old school channel strip. (OSX/WIN)

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Just wanted to let you know I just released a new plugin:


For more info and a 60 day trial visit the website:

btw. this is not the channel strip I was referring to in my recent post.

happy ST-R-I-P ing!


Looks good to me... I really have to try all your plugins - until then however:

"It's intended use is with pure 'in the box' music" - this is putting me somewhat off as I am making almost excusively "out of the box" music these days - so is this strip not for me?


jens wrote:Looks good to me... I really have to try all your plugins - until then however:

"It's intended use is with pure 'in the box' music" - this is putting me somewhat off as I am making almost excusively "out of the box" music these days - so is this strip not for me?
You are free and welcome to use and abuse all of my plug-ins to your hearts content :D :hihi: .
Yeah, I do not know who writes these stupid texts, maybe I should fire him ... :hihi: anyways...I'll get back to work...



:lol: :hihi:

Sorry for the nitpicking... I am just trying to be constructively critical - tonight I will have some quality time to test your plugins. If they are anywhere near as good as it seems they are, I will gladly make some before/after examples files for you, if you are interested. :-)


They're good - they're really good - I seriously like them - Bmanic will like them too, I'm sure of it. :-D

But man: you really need some beta-testers - I bet you have no idea how much you really need them. ;-)

Send me a p.m. :-)

(only tried Raon so far - couldn't try any of the others ;-))


I'm glad you like them. Wasn't sure they might would sound too destructive to OTB users. I designed them mostly on rather aggressive sounding ITB material, like LoFi drums etc. Thought I used them successfully on vocals and guitars!

About beta testers, yeah, I absolutely agree. I have some, but they seem to be not as available as I'd like them to be :D ... I don't blame them thought...It ca be quite som work!

PM you?
Want to do some testing?
At the moment, all betas are public and have a special newsletter on updates.




I meant the p.m. in regards to my report, yes - first of all I don't want to pollute your thread/forum with this kind of stuff (missing dependencies, bugs and that sort of stuff - I'd say your stuff is right now still somewhat in beta state) and then of course it means we can denn sprecken deutsh, gell?

And yes, Sunruys is a lot cleaner than both Chop Chop and the S.T.R.I.P. compressor - I'd use the former most likely a lot more on acoustic instruments and the latter ones more on electric-guitar, bass-guitar, some vocals and maybe drums... it's just: if you wish to slam stuff, these plugins tend to do it in a very nice way... the distortion sounds really good! And Sunruys is indeed lovely clean!


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