This is just a shoutout for anyone with similar experiences -- I have already communicated the issues to Krotos.
I am trying to use Reformer Pro within Logic Pro, Reaper, and MaxMSP. It is unsatisfactory in my experience, in any of these hosts. Both MaxMSP and Reaper crash 5 to 10 minutes after launching a project with two instances of Reformer Pro, and in Logic the plugin fails to pass validation so you have to manually enable its use. Using it in Logic I am unable to link any MIDI controllers to its parameters because no parameters show up in the 'Learn' window.
Reformer Pro is a lot of creative fun but I only persist with using it because it is so unique and I am willing to continuously reboot my DAW. I spend a lot of time anticipating the OSX 'beach ball' which tells me I must force quit and relaunch, because Reformer Pro just failed again.
Reformer Pro constantly crashes Reaper, MaxMSP and doesn't play well in Logic Pro.
- KVRer
- 5 posts since 20 Oct, 2018
Their synths crash reaper all the time. Concept 2 and the little version as well. If you try adding it to a project that you’ve been working on it’ll crash it right away. Even if you try to remove it from the track it will still crash the project in Reaper.