Using Logical Expressions For Filtering In Browsers

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Did you know that you can type a logical expression into the browser search field?
Each browser offers certain properties depending on the type of data. The syntax is always {property}.
E.g. you can type this in the progression browser to show long chord progressions (longer than 6 chords):

Or you may want to display only phrases of a certain length (length is in quarter notes):

You can assign user tags to phrases, scales, chords, instruments, etc.
Display items with a tag (operator $ means 'contains'):
This works but it is better to use quotes around text especially in longer expressions:

You can find the properties and operators after clicking on the 'wrench' icon in the browser, then on the 'info' icon in the Browser Options window.
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Ive started working with custom tags and the midi library has grown. Based on the above I'am wonder how I can specify two tags at the same time. For instance house + stab. Ive tried many combinations with && etc but none seem to work.

I know that in the past many people were not working with custom tags but as we invest more and more time into Rapid Composer it becoming important to me to find the phrase that I wanted out of a lake of midi.

BTW typing into the search field (m2 MacBook Pro, Bitwig, Sonoma) is really slow. Almost as if it's performing the search in real time, though I only want the search after I hit enter.


The right format for searching for multiple tags:
({house}!="") && ({stab}!="")

Sorry for the cryptic syntax, the expression parser does not handle operator precedence at the moment so you have to use parenthesis...
BTW typing into the search field (m2 MacBook Pro, Bitwig, Sonoma) is really slow. Almost as if it's performing the search in real time, though I only want the search after I hit enter.
You are right, I fixed that now. v5.0.8 will be available with the fix in 2-3 days.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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